Spider Man 1 — Level 1


Peter Parker lived next door to Mary Jane Watson (MJ). They went to the same school. Peter liked MJ a lot, but he never told her. She already had a boyfriend. His name was Flash. He was good-looking and he was the school’s top football player.

One day their class went to the Columbia Genetic Research Institute*. Peter was late. He ran behind the bus, then at last it stopped. He was red and hot and everyone laughed at him. As Peter walked down the bus, Flash put his foot out. Peter crashed to the floor. Everyone laughed louder.

The bus arrived at the Institute. Harry Osborn wasn’t on the bus. He arrived in a big car — a Rolls Royce — with his father and a driver.

Text  Spider Man 1 - PDF (1463 Загрузки )

Audio  Spider Man 1 - Audio (1463 Загрузки )

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