Домой Audiobooks


. Как выглядит наша планета с луны?', 'Как работает наш организм?', 'Можем ли мы летать?', 'Можно ли сделать лошадь из бронзы высотой восемь метров?', 'Как сделать города более чистыми?'. Всю свою жизнь Леонардо да Винчи задавался подобными вопросами. Мы...
Аудиокниги для начинающих начитаны в медленном темпе с вокабулярием в 200-400 слов. Используется только Present Simple/Present Continuous, конструкции there is/there are и would like, а также модальный глагол can. Словом, только настоящее время. The fisherman and...
Адаптированная аудиокнига на английском языке – Уровень 0 Aмериканский английский. Зоуи 17 летняя девушка, которая любит играть в театре. Когда в театре ставят Ромео и Джульету, она играет мать главной героини. Майк пишет отзыв об этой...
By Victoria Bradshaw. Part one. It was New Year in the city of Schiraz in Persia. The city square was full of people. The king and...
Сама история начинается примерно с 40 секунды. The Minotaur A long time ago - almost before history began - King Minos ruled the lovely island of Crete. The father of Minos was...
"The Purloined Letter" was written by Edgar Allan Poe. The storyteller is Shep O'Neal. Poe is generally known for his horror stories. This is the third of three stories he wrote about Auguste Dupin and how he solves...
The book narrates the story about Algernon, a laboratory mouse and has undergone a surgical process to increase his intelligence. The book elaborates on the series of progress reports that are written by Charlie Gordon. He is the first human subject who...
When Orpheus looked inside, he saw that he was standing in front of a river with fire burning on its surface. There was an old man there with wild, white hair, standing next to a boat.
A classic comedy in which two witty young men, in order to impress their respected beloveds, pretend that their names are Ernest. A Classic work by author Oscar Wilde.
Another story of the adventures of the Los Angeles private detective. A beautiful blonde woman hires Lenny Samuel to find her missing sister. Before long, Lenny is involved with gunmen, dead bodies, world-weary policemen, and jewel thieves, whilst dodging bullets, speeding cars,...

Audio books


The Ace of Pentacles

♦️Карты Таро. Туз Пентаклей. The pre-intermediate level. The Ace of Pentacles is a significant...

Случайный выбор

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Полная версия "Гарри Поттер и Философский камень" на английском языке в формате PDF. HP_1_-_Harry_Potter_and_the_Philosophers_StoneСкачать Первая...