A Japanese legend tells about a female ghost called Kuchisake-onna, who is the soul of a woman murdered by her jealous husband. This spirit is blamed for many deaths since the 1600s. She walks along dark streets and alleys, covering her mouth with either a fan, handkerchief, or medical mask, depending on which version you hear.
She asks travelers two questions. First, she inquires, “Do you think I’m pretty?” Then she removes her disguise to show her bloody mouth with the sides cut wide. She asks her final question: “Do you still think so?” If you affirm her beauty both times, you’ll only walk away with your face slit like hers. Otherwise, you’re dead.
Stories of Kuchisake-onna were told during the Edo period (1600s–1800s), but then she disappeared until the 1970s, when even a police investigation started, after a series of accidents involving the character .
Ghost [gəʊst] привидение, призрак.
Soul [səʊl] душа.
Jealous [ˈʤeləs] ревнивый.
Spirit [ˈspɪrɪt] дух.
Fan [fæn] веер.
Handkerchief [ˈhæŋkəʧɪf] носовой платок, платок.
Inquire [ɪnˈkwaɪə] спрашивать, осведомляться.
Disguise [dɪsˈgaɪz] маскировка.
Affirm [əˈfɜːm] подтверждать.
Slit [slɪt] разрезать. Slit — slit — slit. Неправильный глагол.
Otherwise[ˈʌðəwaɪz] иначе, по другому, в противном случае.
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