Shanti Devi


In the 1930s, an Indian girl named Shanti Devi claimed she was the reincarnation of another Indian woman named Lugdi Bai. Ludgi was born on January 18, 1902. She got married at ten and lost her first child after suffering a stillbirth. She birthed a second child on September 25, 1925, but died of pregnancy complications on October 4.

Shanti was born on December 11, 1926. She rarely talked as she grew older. When she did, it was about her husband and children. She said her husband, named Kedarnath, lived in Mathura, and they had a son. She described her husband, his shop, and his house. She also described the way she dressed when she was with him and the things she used to do.

Shanti’s family started taking her stories more seriously after she described how she died. The revelations startled a physician, since Shanti was too young to have understood the surgical procedures she talked about. Her family later arranged a meeting between her and Kedarnath’s cousin.

Shanti recognized her husband’s cousin. She also recognized Kedarnath when she finally met him, even though he was deliberately introduced to her as her former husband’s brother. The news of the reincarnation spread through India. Mahatma Gandhi even selected 15 people to investigate Shanti’s claims.

The team followed Shanti to Mathura, where she recognized several people, described how they had changed since her death, and led them to her husband’s house, even though she had never been there before. The news garnered worldwide attention after the team published their findings. Sture Lonnerstrand, a Swedish man who traveled to India to expose Shanti’s story as a hoax, concluded that it was true.

Here you can read a similar reincarnation story.

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