Hanan Monsour was born in the 30s in Lebanon. She married Farouk Monsour when she was only 20 years old and went on to have two daughters, Leila and Galareh. Soon after the birth of her second child, Hanan was diagnosed with heart disease and was warned to not have any more children. Despite this, she had a son in 1962. Her brother died in 1963 and soon after, Hanan started getting ill. She spoke a lot of dying and told her husband she would come back after death.
Hanan was 36 when she died after having heart surgery. She tried unsuccessfully to telephone her daughter, Leila, before the operation.
Suzanne Ghanem was born ten days after Hanan’s death. Her mother claimed to have had a dream, before Suzanne was born, in which a woman told her she was going ‘to come to her’. Much later, Suzanne’s mother saw a picture of Hanan Monsour and claimed it looked like the woman from her dream.
Suzanne was only 16 months old when she started tugging at the landline phone in her parent’s home and repeating the words: ‘Hello, Leila?” Her family was astonished by this as they did not know anyone called Leila. As Suzanne grew older, she told her parents that Leila was one of her children from a past life. At the age of two, she mentioned all three of Hanan’s children’s names as well as Farouk, her parents and brothers.Upon hearing this, the Monsours set off to visit Suzanne. While they were together, Suzanne identified all Hanan’s relatives and told Farouk that she remembered giving jewels to her brother Hercule before she had had her surgery. No one other than the Monsour family had known about this.
By the time she was five, Suzanne called Farouk multiple times a day. This continued until she was twenty-five years old. Farouk accepted that Suzanne was the reincarnation of Hanan and believed the physical resemblance between the two women was further proof.
Naturally, most believe this to be merely a coincidence or a hoax. But what truly transpired remains shrouded in mystery.
Here you can read a similar reincarnation story.
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