Helene Smith


Born Catherine Muller, Helene Smith (1861–1929) was a famous late-19th century Swiss medium. She was known as «the Muse of Automatic Writing» by the Surrealists, who viewed Smith as evidence of the power of the surreal, and a symbol of surrealist knowledge.

She claimed to be reincarnated from the famous French queen Marie Antoinette. She also claimed to be the reincarnation of the daughter of an Arab sheikh and the wife of a Hindu prince. Helene Smith worked as a spiritual medium, claiming to receive messages from unseen creatures.

Smith frequently fell into trances, during which she claimed to communicate with Martians. She also said she understood the language spoken on Mars and would often speak and write what she purported to be Martian. She even made drawings of what the terrain of Mars looked like. Smith’s drawings of Mars showed beings, boats, houses, plants, bridges, and lakes scattered along the Martian terrain.

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